The St. Gertrude Parish Pastoral Council is the functional structure of our local Catholic Community. The Parish Pastoral Council is tasked to organise, co-ordinate, evaluate, unify and support activities within the Parish, ensuring the extension of Christ’s mission. The Council will present all members of the Parish with the opportunity to participate in the apostolic effort of bringing unity to the mission of the church through encouraging, guiding and directing parish life.

The Parish Pastoral Council and its committees exist to serve our parish community. Our goals are clearly defined:

  1. To create an apostolic-oriented Parish community capable of discharging its responsibilities of spreading the Word of God and uniting our parish family with the entire community.
  2. To assure through its committees continual and integrated surveys of both spiritual and temporal needs of the individual, the family, the Parish and the greater community. After setting priorities, develop and implement programs aimed at meeting these needs.
  3. To serve as a permanent structure for constructive dialogue between clergy and laity of the Parish so all can work in close cooperation as a truly Christian Community in fulfilling Christ saving mission.
  4. To provide leadership, direction, education, resources and encouragement in accordance with the mission, and the constant and continuing goals of the Parish, the Diocese and the Roman Catholic Church.
  5. To co-operate with and effectively carry out the guidelines and the directions given by the Bishop and the Diocesan Pastoral Council.
  6. To determine and utilise the abilities of all members of the parish community. To serve as an organizing and coordinating body for all organizations, committees and group activities within the parish.
  7. To plan and implement suitable programs which affect the life of the parish.

Should you have any concerns or questions about the topics of discussion or general operations of the council, then we want to hear from you. Please feel free to call any member, or contact the Parish Office.

Mission & Purpose of the Council

Our constitution defines what we do, and why we do it. A copy of this constitution is available upon request.


The Parish Pastoral Council meets, for the most part, on the First Tuesday of the Month @ 7 pm.

For more information or to make an enquiry, please contact the parish office via the Contact Us page.

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